Imagine you want to download all files under, and not files under except for directory 'downloads', then you can do this:
wget -r --level 100 -nd --no-proxy --no-parent --reject "index.htm*" --reject "*gif" '' #--level 100 is large enough, as I've seen no site has more than 100 levels of sub-directories so far.
wget -p -k --no-proxy --no-check-certificate --post-data 'id=username&passwd=password' <url> -O output.html
wget --no-proxy --no-check-certificate --save-cookies cookies.txt <url>
wget --no-proxy --no-check-certificate --load-cookies cookies.txt <url>
curl -k -u 'username:password' <url>
curl -k -L -d id=username -d passwd=password <url>
curl --data "loginform:id=username&loginform:passwd=password" -k -L <url>
curl -i -u username:password -H -H X-Oracle-IdentityDomain:domainname -X GET ""
Here's one curl example to get SSL certs info on LTM:
agent="Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; InfoPath.2)"
curl -v -L -k -A "$agent" -c ${path}/cookie "https://ltm-url/tmui/login.jsp?msgcode=1&"
curl -v -L -k -A "$agent" -b ${path}/cookie -c ${path}/cookie -e "https://ltm-url/tmui/login.jsp?msgcode=1&" -d "username=myusername&passwd=mypassword" "https://ltm-url/tmui/logmein.html?msgcode=1&"
curl -v -L -k -A "$agent" -b ${path}/cookie -c ${path}/cookie -o ${path_root}/certs-env.html "https://ltm-url/tmui/Control/jspmap/tmui/locallb/ssl_certificate/list.jsp?&startListIndex=0&showAll=true"
Now you can have a check of /var/tmp/certs-env.html for SSL certs info of Big IP VIPs.
To use private CA/public cert/private key, you should use below in curl:
curl -v --cacert your-root-ca.crt --cert your-public-cert.crt --key your-private.key --pass mypass -u "username:password" https://url
In this command, your-public-cert.crt is the public cert that you have trusted,your-private.key is the private RSA key portion of the cert that is used to sign the request, and “username:password” should be replaced with the correct username and password.
Also, if you’re using an intermediate cert, you can provide it in one command like so:
curl -v --cacert your-root-ca.crt --cert <(cat your-public-cert.crt intermediate.crt ) --key your-private.key --pass mypass -u “username:password" https://url