We are going to make altcoin qt for windows on ubuntu. We have clone peercoin and made a funcoin by replacing some parameter, I am assuming you have developed your coin.
First install required dependencies
sudo apt-get install autoconf automake autopoint bash bison bzip2 p7zip-full cmake flex gettext git g++ gperf intltool libffi-dev libtool libltdl-dev libssl-dev libxml-parser-perl make openssl patch perl pkg-config python ruby scons sed unzip wget xz-utils
sudo apt-get install g++-multilib libc6-dev-i386
move to any folder, here I am going in mnt folder and taking the fresh mxe clone.
cd /mnt
git clone https://github.com/mxe/mxe.git
Now compile boost
make MXE_TARGETS="i686-w64-mingw32.static" boost
Compile qt
make MXE_TARGETS="i686-w64-mingw32.static" qt
mxe does not support barkeley db and miniupnpc, so we have to compile these explicitly
compiling the barkeley db:
cd /mnt
wget http://download.oracle.com/berkeley-db/db-4.8.30.tar.gz
tar zxvf db-4.8.30.tar.gz
cd /mnt/db-4.8.30
touch compile-db.sh
chmod ugo+x compile-db.sh
now edit the compile-db.sh script file and put the below content and save
sed -i "s/WinIoCtl.h/winioctl.h/g" src/dbinc/win_db.h
mkdir build_mxe
cd build_mxe
CC=$MXE_PATH/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32.static-gcc \
CXX=$MXE_PATH/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32.static-g++ \
../dist/configure \
--disable-replication \
--enable-mingw \
--enable-cxx \
--host x86 \
make install
for running the file command
compiling miniupnpc
cd /mnt
wget http://miniupnp.free.fr/files/miniupnpc-1.6.20120509.tar.gz
tar zxvf miniupnpc-1.6.20120509.tar.gz
cd /mnt/miniupnpc-1.6.20120509
touch com-min.sh
chmod ugo+x com-min.sh
now edit the com-min.sh script file and put the below content and save
CC=$MXE_PATH/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32.static-gcc \
AR=$MXE_PATH/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32.static-ar \
CFLAGS="-DSTATICLIB -I$MXE_PATH/usr/i686-w64-mingw32.static/include" \
LDFLAGS="-L$MXE_PATH/usr/i686-w64-mingw32.static/lib" \
make libminiupnpc.a
mkdir $MXE_PATH/usr/i686-w64-mingw32.static/include/miniupnpc
cp *.h $MXE_PATH/usr/i686-w64-mingw32.static/include/miniupnpc
cp libminiupnpc.a $MXE_PATH/usr/i686-w64-mingw32.static/lib
for running the file command
now add mxe bin to env PATH:
export PATH=/mnt/mxe/usr/bin:$PATH
now paste funcoin or take clone from github
cd /mnt
// paste your altcoin code
cd /mnt/funcoin
touch compile-coin.sh
chmod ugo+x compile-coin.sh
now edit compile-coin.sh file and paste the below content
i686-w64-mingw32.static-qmake-qt4 \
QMAKE_LRELEASE=/mnt/mxe/usr/i686-w64-mingw32.static/qt/bin/lrelease funcoin-qt.pro
make -f Makefile.Release
now run the file by command ./compile-coin.sh
You will get the .exe file in release folder.
When error:
compilation terminated.
Makefile.Release:12634: recipe for target 'build/txdb-leveldb.o' failed
make: *** [build/txdb-leveldb.o] Error 1
Makefile.Release:12634: recipe for target 'build/txdb-leveldb.o' failed
make: *** [build/txdb-leveldb.o] Error 1
Run this
TARGET_OS=NATIVE_WINDOWS make libleveldb.a libmemenv.a CC=~/mxe/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32.static-gcc CXX=~/mxe/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32.static-g++
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